The Blog

Check the Hottest Tips on how to create a Strong Brand and Website for your Business!

  • How does Graphic Design help Business?

    How does Graphic Design help Business?

    With all the heavy competition every industry has, businesses are constantly seeking ways to stand out. From creating their Custom Brand Identities with their Visual Identities, brand new friendly websites; business often overlooked a crucial component…

  • Scale-Up Your Business with Brand Identity

    Scale-Up Your Business with Brand Identity

    As Business Owners, we embark on our multiple journeys with a vision—a vision to disrupt industries, solve problems, and make a meaningful impact. From our early stages of ideation to the exhilarating moments of getting recognized,…

  • Graphic Designer on a Month-Long Contract

    Graphic Designer on a Month-Long Contract

    Benefits of Hiring a Graphic Designer on a Month-Long Contract | Calgary Graphic Design Services

  • Where Brand Identity Meets Graphic Design

    Where Brand Identity Meets Graphic Design

    ATamez Design is located in Calgary, AB, Canada, but we work with people over USA and Mexico. The more we work with businesses close and far away from us, we notice the importance of establishing a…

  • How to improve your Website Visibility on Google – Step-by-Step Guide

    How to improve your Website Visibility on Google – Step-by-Step Guide

    Today, whoever doesn’t have a website is missing a massive and important part of their business success! With Google being the go-to search engine for millions of users worldwide, ensuring that your website ranks well in…

  • The Need for a Strategic Website Design

    The Need for a Strategic Website Design

    How many times have we had to go into Google trying to find that business that our friend recommended to us? How many times do we get uninspired to hire them because of their website? That’s…

  • Website Design Pricing – Business Growth

    Website Design Pricing – Business Growth

    How Website Design is related to smart investing for Business Growth? We all love aesthetics, whatever you enjoy to see the most. It can be shiny, bold, blue, minimalistic, whatever you enjoy the most! But, as…

  • More than Logo Design

    More than Logo Design

    Creating a Great Business Logo: A Simple Guide Are you a business owner looking to create a memorable logo for your company? You’re in the right place! In this blog post, we’ll break down the essential…

  • Brand Identity Importance for Small Businesses

    Brand Identity Importance for Small Businesses

    Brand Identity plays a crucial role in the success of any small business. It’s the driving force behind attracting customers, increasing brand awareness, and generating sales. However, for many small business owners, diving into the world…

  • Understanding Your Clients

    Understanding Your Clients

    Let’s discover the importance of defining your niche and target clients, and why this is crucial for your business success. Defining your niche involves understanding what truly drives you in your business. It’s about identifying the…

Narrow Down Your Niche

It seems like I want to just sell my Services to anyone who wants to buy them, BUT, I want to people who I enjoy working with to look to my Business and become a Client!
This file will help you to achieve that!

Get it Here!

5 Things Your Website Should Have

Clear, Objective and Strategic Goals for your website!
How to clarify them? By ensuring your Website Design and Content contain those 5 points within the File!

Obtain your Copy, Here!


Strategic Brand Identity - Website Design-

Brand Consultation


Logo Design

Website Design

Brand Identity


Brand Identity & wEB dESIGN dUO

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