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ATamez Design is located in Calgary, AB, Canada, but we work with people over USA and Mexico. The more we work with businesses close and far away from us, we notice the importance of establishing a distinctive brand identity which is primordial for standing out against a competitive market. Now a days, a free/cheap logo […]

Mock-up of business card both sides, for ATamez Design Graphic design company / branding / and web design services

Where Brand Identity Meets Graphic Design

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Brand Identity plays a crucial role in the success of any small business. It’s the driving force behind attracting customers, increasing brand awareness, and generating sales. However, for many small business owners, diving into the world of branding can be overwhelming. With numerous strategies and tactics available, it’s essential to understand the key approaches that […]

Brand Identity Importance for Small Businesses

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Let’s discover the importance of defining your niche and target clients, and why this is crucial for your business success. Defining your niche involves understanding what truly drives you in your business. It’s about identifying the services you are most passionate about providing. By pinpointing this passion, you’ll lay the foundation for a thriving and […]

People from diverse backgrounds showcasing a niche for a service provider business

Understanding Your Clients

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